
Mobile Web: A Better Platform for Socializing?


What has given rise to this trend? What makes social networking such a popular mobile web activity? It's easy to point to the proliferation of smartphones and their host of applications, 3G network speeds and more affordable data plans, built in web browsers and mobile-ready websites. Of course these are all important factors that have helped increase mobile social networks' popularity. However, these measurements are the reason why mobile web use, in general, is growing, not specifically mobile social networking.
A less quantifiable statistic that may also have impacted the rise of mobile social networking to the point where it has surpassed desktop-based social networking is the fact that it's an activity that taps into how people - normal, everyday people - go about their lives. Readers of a technology site like this may indeed spend hours upon hours behind a computer screen scouring news sites, reading RSS feeds, updating Twitter and chatting on Facebook, but that's not necessarily the norm. A good many of folks out there still spend more time offline than on. For these people, screen time is spent doing business-related activities at the office (with the occasional jaunts over to YouTube and Facebook) followed by briefer after-hours web surfing that includes catching up with friends on Facebook and reading personal email, downloading music and other media, streaming videos and/or playing games. But these online sessions have to be interspersed with other real world activities like cooking dinner, caring for the kids, watching primetime TV, running errands, etc. That's why it's no surprise to find that the rise of the mobile phone corresponds with the rise in Facebook's (and other social networking sites) numbers. It has become a do-anywhere activity that captures people's attention whenever they have free time instead of an activity that requires people make time for it.


Social Networking Now More Popular In Mobile Than Desktop

A recent study from Ruder Finn revealed that Americans are spending nearly three hours per day on their mobile phones. And what are they doing there? Educating themselves, conducting business, managing finances, instant messaging, emailing? All of the above, as it turns out, and then some. But perhaps the most interesting finding from the new data is the fact that more people are using the mobile web to socialize (91%) compared to the 79% of desktop users who do the same. It appears that the mobile phone is actually a better platform for social networking than the PC.


MEDIA-INTERNET- the most popular media nowaday

Nowadays, the most popular media that we use is Internet.The internet is more used all over the world.Internet is no longer just about e-mail and web sites.The net has become the critical medium,powering,growing list of revenue generating business activities from e-commerce and
e-supply chain management to online market places and callaboration.

Some disadvantage of Internet is it can makes people not to study on their own,all they need is to download free answers in terms of school assignments.Other than that is,virus treat.Virus is nothing but a program which disrupts the normal functioning of your computer system.
Computers attached to internet are more prone to virus attacks and they can end up into crashing your whole hard disk causing your considerable headaches.

So,as a conclusion Internet nowadays was the most popular media that we use in daily life althought got some disadvantages.However,it doesn't mean that we shouldn't use the Internet anymore.It's hard to imagine our life without the Internet.What we should do is just need to be more carefull every time when we use the Internet.

That's all....Thank you.....



In general, media means of communication. For example, television, radio and the newspaper are different types of media. 

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In a broader sense, a technology is everything purposely created by humans for a well defined goal. A technology of communication is a technology created in order to support, facilitate to foster and to enhance communication.